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Body contouring




The Cool Sculpting fat-freezing procedure is a non-surgical fat-reduction treatment that uses controlled cooling to eliminate stubborn fat that resists all efforts through diet and exercise. The results are proven, noticeable, and lasting—so you'll look great from every angle.

No wonder so many people feel confident in the safety of Cool Sculpting treatments.

• No Surgery

• No Anesthesia

• No Needles

• No Invasive Techniques

• No Downtime

Our doctor will work with you on the best treatment plan tailored to your needs. It may take as little as one office visit to achieve your goals.

How Cool is the Coolsculpting Procedure? Does it Hurt?

This procedure can be a little chilly. Controlled cooling is delivered via an applicator to freeze the targeted fat. Though you may feel an intense cold initially, this feeling usually subsides within 5 to 10 minutes as the area numbs. Because most applicators use a vacuum to draw fatty tissue into the applicator cup, you may also feel some pulling, tugging, and/or mild pinching.

After you and the doctor select the area(s) to be treated, the device is positioned on your body and controlled cooling is applied. A gel pad and applicator are applied to the targeted area. Vacuum applicators draw the tissue into the applicator cup. Applicators are secured to the treatment area. All applicators deliver controlled cooling to the targeted fat.

Can I Multitask During My Treatment?

Absolutely! Many people read, check email, or even take a nap during their treatments. You are encouraged to do whatever feels most comfortable for you. So sit back, relax, and say goodbye to stubborn fats.

Are There any Side Effects?

Following the procedure, typical side effects include temporary redness, swelling, blanching, bruising, firmness, tingling, stinging, tenderness, cramping, aching, itching, or skin sensitivity.

The sensation of fullness in the back of the throat after submental area treatment. These effects are temporary and generally resolve within days or weeks.

How long is each treatment?

It depends on your own treatment plan. A typical treatment lasts for 45-60 mins.

When will I see the results?

You can see the changes in the first three weeks after treatment. After two months, you will experience the most dramatic results.

Does it need to take special supplements or follow a strict diet and exercise program?

No, it’s not necessary.

Are the results permanent?

Your fat cells will be eliminated after finishing your treatment with Coolplas. As long as you maintain your normal diet and exercise, the result should be permanent.

For some people, a customized treatment plan may include more than one CoolSculpting treatment. For example, you may want to freeze away fat from your inner and/or outer thighs—and also get rid of that muffin top. Our CoolSculpting machine has multiple cooling systems and can treat different body areas at the same time.

Also, for some clients, more than CoolSculpting Treatment may be needed. For instance, Lipolytic injection (Fat-dissolving treatment) may need for your localized fat areas. The injection sessions may be necessary at least 4 times depending on your fat bulk.


Ultrasonic cavitation

Ultrasonic cavitation is the use of ultrasound technology to break down fat cells below the skin. It is a non-surgical method of reducing cellulite and localized fat. 

This procedure involves applying pressure on fat cells through ultrasonic vibrations.

This method of treatment is used along with other weight loss programs to help with getting rid of excessive fat. It is a preferred method to other invasive procedures of eliminating body fat. It is important to note that your weight could return if you consume a high-calorie diet.

How Does it Work?

Fat is stored in special cells, which the low-frequency ultrasound that we use breaks up into small particles and then liquid. This is known as “cavitation”. This liquid is then easily removed from the body via the lymphatic and urinary systems.


How long do ultrasonic cavitation sessions last? Since the procedure is individualized, it might take longer for some than others. However, the standard treatment should be completed in 3-6 sessions with 1-2 weeks between every session. Each session is around 20-30minutes. It takes about 4 to 12 weeks to see the results of ultrasonic cavitation.

Which body parts are best for ultrasonic cavitation? Ultrasonic cavitation works best on parts with localized fat. Such areas include the abdomen, flanks, thighs, hips, and upper arms. This procedure cannot be performed on body parts like the head, neck, and other bony areas of the body.

It is vital to maintain a low-calorie balanced diet and to perform physical exercise after the procedure. This will help to control your body weight.

After the cavitation, we use radio frequency (RF) which helps:

·       Body sculpting/shaping

·       Fat burning

·       Improvement in cellulite

RF energy affects the deeper dermal layers, meaning that the result is a lifted contour, a decrease in deep wrinkles, and thicker and firmer skin. RF promotes new collagen protein which causes the original collagen protein to strengthen the skin.

The following individuals should not undergo the procedure: 

  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women

  • Persons showing skinfold lower than 2 cm

  • Infection or inflammation in the region where the procedure will be done

  • Individuals with a history of malignancies

  • People with a cardiac pacemaker or other metal implants

  • Persons with coagulation disorders or taking medication that affects blood clotting

  • Individuals with serious medical conditions like diabetes and osteoporosis


Is there any Downtime?

Since the procedure is non-invasive, there is no downtime. You can go back to your normal activities after the procedure. The destroyed fat cells do not grow back. The results of ultrasonic cavitation can last with continued weight maintenance activities.

Ultrasonic cavitation should not be used as a replacement for doing physical exercises.



  • Requires little to no downtime

  • Results last for a long time with a healthy lifestyle

  • Causes minimum side effects

  • Leaves no scars

  • No anesthesia is needed

  • Results occur gradually, so you can maintain discretion about the treatment


  • Lesser loss of weight compared to invasive methods like liposuction

  • inefficient for individuals with a lot of weight to lose

  • May require complementing with other weight loss methods for desired results

  • It is impossible to know the exact amount of fat lost‌‌

You must continue consuming a healthy and balanced diet, getting adequate fluids, and combining with regular exercises during and after undergoing ultrasonic cavitation to achieve or maintain your best results.

HIFEM Treatment

HIFEM beauty muscle instrument uses the most advanced (HIFEM) high-intensity focused magnetic vibration technology so that the body's muscles continue to expand and contract, and then it can tighten muscles and lose fat at the same time.

How does it work?

HIFEM beauty muscle instrument uses non-invasive HIFEM technology to release high-frequency magnetic vibration energy through two large treatment handles to penetrate the muscles to a depth of 8cm, and induce continuous expansion and contraction of muscles to achieve high-frequency extreme training, to enlarge the muscle and produce new collagen chains and muscle fibers (muscle hyperplasia), thereby training and increasing muscle density and volume. It can also trigger the effect of lipolysis in the focused area. Therefore, HIFEM can effectively increase muscle by 16% and reduce fat by 19% at the same time. It presents the beautiful lines of the waistcoat line, mermaid line and peach hip.

HIFEM Sculpt can

  • Burn fat

  • Tone muscle

  • Build muscle

  • Shape

  • Sculpt

  • Lift and tighten

Benefits of treatment

  • Equivalent to 30,000 crunches or squats in just one 30 min treatment

  • Fast, affordable treatments

  • Can target multiple areas

  • Non-invasive

  • Effective results

  • Pain-free

  • No sweat

  • No exercise required*

  • Can do daily routines right after treatment

* A healthy lifestyle should always be maintained and this machine should not be used as an alternative to aerobic or cardiovascular exercise.

* It is especially suitable for Mothers who have increased belly circumference and loose belly due to the separation of rectus abdominis after childbirth, returning to a girlish.

Side Effects

The treatment is completely painless. HIFEM does not activate pain receptors and there is no risk of burns. The side effects are limited to muscle fatigue.


  • Patients with pacemakers

  • Pregnant or lactating women

  • Clients with cerebrovascular disease (stroke patients)

  • Clients with implantations.

  • Patients with heart disease or a weaker heart

  • Inoperable near the carotid artery

  • Clients with brain damage or have had brain surgery

  • Clients using implantable medical devices

There are sufficient experimental studies to prove that the treatment effect is remarkable. It only takes 4 treatments within two weeks, and every half an hour, you can see the effect of reshaping the lines in the treatment site.

How long will a course of treatment take? How long will it take effect?

4 times for a course of treatment, intervals 2-3 days to do once. The best results are in the 2-4 weeks after the treatment. To break down fat and increase muscle mass, patients need to be patient. Usually, after 4-6 treatments, muscle mass increases by approximately 16%, and fat can be reduced.

How long will the effect last?

The effect can be maintained for one year after 4-8 courses. But some people may need additional treatment to achieve the best results. If you have a course of treatment every 2-3 months, you can maintain a better and best condition.


Body HIFU Lipolysis

What is HIFU and how does it work?

HIFU is not specifically made for weight loss. It’s more suited to targeting stubborn fat deposits that can be difficult to get rid of.

-          Our machine uses body cartridges that transform into 65-70 degree heat energy to targeted parts of the body, breaking down fat into fatty acids and glycerol.

-          Those fats and glycerol are metabolized through the lymphatic system and expelled from the body via from perspiration and urine.

In addition to reducing fat, HIFU is able to produce new collagen resulting in improved skin elasticity, lighter skin and reduced wrinkles. 



·       No Downtime

·       No Needles or Injections

· Pain-Free

·       Lifts and Tightens

·       Safe and Effective

·       Lasting Results


How many sessions?

We do one treatment every month. It requires 3-5 times in total for a whole treatment course.

The effect reaches to peak within 8-12 weeks.

What will see after one session?

A session or one-hour course of treatment can reduce the average body circumference by 2-6cm, which can show multiple effects of reducing fat, tightening skin and shaping.

After fat metabolism is completed within 8-12 weeks, the effect is better.

How long does it take to see results from HIFU?

After HIFU treatment, you will see some slight plumping, but the best results will come after 2 - 3 months. Your body will continue to regenerate collagen for the next 6 months after the initial treatment.

How long will HIFU last?

Results from HIFU treatments can last for a year or more. But still depends on the individual.

Pre-op precautions

Areas with implants such as pacemakers and breast implants cannot be targeted with HIFU therapy.

Post-operative Precautions

1. Daily activities are allowed immediately after the treatment.

2. Properly control of fat diet.

3. Drink more water.

4. Properly strengthen the exercise.

5. No spicy food.

6. Slight discomfort (such as redness, slight swelling, etc.) after the operation is

normal, which can be eliminated within 2 to 3 days.

7. avoiding temperatures that are too hot or too cold (including activities that involve sun exposure, sunless tanning and more)

8. Avoid applying all products that contain skin irritants on the treated area for one week pre and post-treatment.